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Thursday 20 April 2017



In this project Arduino uno is used. you can also make it using different controller like AVR, 8051, ARM, PIC etc.

To operate the appliances three relays are used through relay deriver (ULN-2003) , this is the 16-PIN IC, in other hand u can also use different IC of relay like ULN-2803 this IC is of 18 pin.

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As you can see in the figure green connectors are for main supply also connected to appliances.

To operate these appliances  serial communication is used of 9600 BAUD RATE.

And one android application (AMR_Voice) to connect Bluetooth module which is HC-05.
Different different application sends data in different different strings , so if you are trying to use any another application so you should see first in what string it is actually sensing. To see that you may use hercules serial terminal, that will allow you to see the string you are getting in micro controller.

By comparing these strings you can operate you appliances.  

In this circuit the green led is to show the power supply in circuit, and white LED's , each white LED is simultaneously connected to each relay to show that which one relay is ON. 

In this project used components are:
  • Arduino_uno
  • 12v relay
  • ULN2003
  • 16 pin IC base
  • male strips
  • female strips
  • DC jack
  • 7805 (regulator ic )
  • capacitor (25v 1000uf)
  • resistors (470E)
  • led (5mm)
  • Female connecting wires
  • Usb to b-type cable (to load program)
  • one Android phone
  • HC-05 (Bluetooth module)
  • one adopter.
  • Supply connector

::"for more about the Embedded projects you can also go through my you tube channel"::


"Thank you"


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